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Visitors and Reciprocal Agreements

Visitors from Other Clubs

The Ithaca Yacht Club welcomes boats belonging to members of other boating and yacht clubs, when they visit from outside the Ithaca area, whether or not the clubs have reciprocal agreements. In addition to using the transit slips, the crew of visiting boats may use the locker rooms, restaurant, and bar. 

The Lake Ontario Club Cruisers Association

The club is a member of The Lake Ontario Club Cruising Association.  Many of the clubs that belong to the association welcome visitors and we invite out of town members of the clubs to the Ithaca Yacht Club.  See the association's web site for details, but check with the individual clubs before you visit.

Use of the Restaurant and Bar

Our liquor license requires non-members to sign the guest book in the Clubhouse before using the bar.

 Ithaca Yacht Club

Website: IthacaYC.org

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